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But who 


An autodidact, Jessica started painting to help manage the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic.  Asking her exquisitely talented daughter how to paint, many years ago, she was told,  'just do it Mum". It took almost 6 decades to lose the fear of getting it wrong.  She now paints almost daily and can be found in her garden studio nestled in the gorgeous Norfolk countryside.



Jessica's passion for painting shines through her work, which is primarily done in watercolour with additions of ink, graphite, charcoal, coloured pencils and pastels. Her love of colour is evident in every piece she creates, making her art a true reflection of her creativity and dedication to her craft. Explore her unique style and discover the beauty of her work today.


But who is Bolly Baggins?

Bolly Baggins is a magical, shy and retiring hare who offers inspiration, and who first appeared after the birth of Jessica’s daughter over 30 years ago.  He insists that Jessica paints hares, which partly explains the number of paintings of hares you will discover here.


Behind Bolly Baggins is a Jessica, a retired teacher. Living in the beautiful Norfolk countryside, surrounded by nature and a short drive from the sea, she is  inspired primarily by where she lives.


Her home is shared with Hearing Dog for Deaf People, Nell (a gorgeous black Labrador), two cats, Gomez and Hector, and one remaining hen, Dolly Daydream, from a sizeable

brood of rescued hens and cockerels. 


Jessica is passionate about animal welfare, her adult children,her grandchildren, her

 garden and creating beautiful things.


To brighten your walls with fun and affordable art.

To be in the arena "daring greatly", * and not a bystander merely observing life.

To risk vulnerability by sharing my art.

To challenge myself every day through my creativity.


*Brené Brown "Daring Greatly".

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