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the lion cub who found her way.


Mandla's Story


In the early summer of 2022, I was contacted by Jacqui and asked if I would consider illustrating a children's book that she was going to write. I was thrilled and daunted by the prospect, but willingly agreed. I had worked with Jacqui when she was Head Teacher at a school in Suffolk. My decision to work with Jacqui was based on the fact that she was, without doubt, the best Head I had ever worked with. She believed in me 100% and my expertise in the classroom soared as a result of her support and encouragement.  This was the happiest time in my 30 year teaching carear. This, then, was a no-brainer!


The journey of designing, drafting, sketching, painting and endless editing took months of work. Having fallen completely in love with Mandla, the work was a gift.  I learnt so much about the illustrating process and have started my own children's book. 


Writing this, in January 2023, Mandla has gone to press and I will be holding physical copies next week. All the first editions have to be signed. I am beyond excited. 


Mandla is a young lion cub growing up on the scorched  Tanzanian savanna. As she grows and struggles to fit in, make friends and navigate the trials of childhood, she is supported and encouraged by  an older Lioness, the matriarch of the pride, Binsa.  Designed to be read aloud to children, the story raises questions around developing resilience which can be discussed in a safe , nurturing environment. Mandla models how to develop resilience.  We hope you enjoy this book as much as Jacqui, Luke and I have enjoyed compiling it.   There is a link below to purchase the book through Jacqui  (£9.99 + £3 p+p). 


Purchase Mandla
Price £12.99 (including p+p)

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